ECC 12:7 and the the dust return to the earth as it was , and the SPRIT WILL return unto JEHOVAH who gave it. jw's hate this verse
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
So how do the Anointed Fly at death? No spirit??????
by oompa inhas wt ever explained wtf does go to heaven?
we have no soul...but are souls...and spirit nephesh and pneuma or what ever is breath of what goes to heaven?
btw it is so funny about that resurrection scripture that we dont weep overmuch like the nations do "who have no hope" because almost all other religions have a heavenly hope and a strong one.
So how do the Anointed Fly at death? No spirit??????
by oompa inhas wt ever explained wtf does go to heaven?
we have no soul...but are souls...and spirit nephesh and pneuma or what ever is breath of what goes to heaven?
btw it is so funny about that resurrection scripture that we dont weep overmuch like the nations do "who have no hope" because almost all other religions have a heavenly hope and a strong one.
johnny cip
OOMPA great question. I have asked 100's of jw's this question. so if a person doesn't have a ASOUL/SPRITUAL BEING? THEN WHAT PART OF JUDGE RUTHERFRAUD. went to heaven when he died? they just can't answer it. I just keep going back to dust to dust what did rutherFRAUD HAVE as a human that I don't have? a SOUL? IS HIS BODY STILL BURIED IN THE GROUND? SO THEN WHAT THE HELL PART OF HIM WENT TO HEAVEN? WHAT DID YOU SAY SPRITUAL BODY? SOUNDS LIKE A DIFFERENT WORD FOR SOUL TO ME. I have gotten lots of extra miles on just this one topic. john
Well, The Elders & Circuit Overseer Came By Tonight To See If We Are Celeb.
by Lady Liberty inhello dear friends.... well..the saga continues!!
as many of you know last new years the jws attacked our "frosty" and egged our home.
" the co said, "so you are both not willing to meet with the elders..?".
johnny cip
Lady liberty; GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these jw bastards never learn till you stand up to them. you have to embarrass them till they back down. you were great you didn't let them off the HOOK. you pushed them right out of their PRIDEFUL AND HAUGHTY WAYS. by making them look like dopes. they willnot be back , they don't want to PLAY WITH YOU . your no longer a jw a$$ kisser. and now they know it... john
Why are so many so hard on RR?
by zack ini came to the threads about rr a little late this week.
the tenor of many of them really surprised me.
some were downright vitriolic.. i have seen rr around for quite some time.
johnny cip
Oh little Richie Rich. I like the kid. he has balls. john
Why are so many so hard on RR?
by zack ini came to the threads about rr a little late this week.
the tenor of many of them really surprised me.
some were downright vitriolic.. i have seen rr around for quite some time.
johnny cip
I can tell you why I was hard on RR. first off I would like to say that RR most likely has more knowledge(/old wts books) about the history of the wts than most anyone here. he is truely a walking wts history book. I have learned much from him about the wt from 1917-present. he can blast the wts from 1917 to the present. what took me a while to learn was he went from a rabid defender of the wts. to become a rabid defender of 'BIBLE STUDENTS" (russelites). there were a few topics a few years back were RR sounded (acted) just like any full blown jw defending not the wts but Russell. well I think he showed he's just as brainwashed by the Bible Students. as the most hard core jw's I've ever met. RR went on and on about 1799, 1874,1878, and pyramids and other russell teaching like they were INCONTRAVERTIBLE FACTS. I mean how can you have all this knowledge sit here and curse everything the wts did since 1917. and at the same time call Russell the FAithful Slave. I can't see it. respectfully john
Congress to religion..wheres the money? cnn report
by candidlynuts init's a start.. hopefully they'll start scrutinizing all religions finances.
if there's nothing to hide there's no reason not to make it all public.. .
johnny cip
I ;posted a month ago when this all can about. that some of the better WRITERS here send some info on the wts to SEN. GRASSELY. i sent him some stuff just off the top of my head about the WTS. let this SENATOR work for us X JW'S. JUST E MAIL THIS GUY. JOHN
Is There Anybody That You KNOW That You Can Implicitly Trust?
by minimus inis there a person or persons that you can trust 100%?
johnny cip
minimus said;"Hope your manure spreading pays off" sounds like your talking about your self, and I say that in all honesty.
Kerry Louderback Wood will be interviewed...
by AndersonsInfo inon a seattle radio station, regarding the death of the 14-year old jw boy, on monday, december 3rd at 6:05 a.m. pdt / 9:05 a.m. edt.
listen to kirby & company in seattle on 570 am or at .
for those of you who don't know, kerry's essay, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions and the tort of misrepresentation" appeared in the 2005 autumn issue of journal of church and state.
johnny cip
The KVI show has been captured and cleansed of news breaks and commercials, and can be downloaded here:
heres' some real MEAT IN DUE SEASON, let's thank the people that take time out to help EXPOSE THE THE WTS. FOR THE LYING PIECES OF $H!T THAT THEY ARE. oops forget red dot attention getters on jwd. lets pay attention to xjw's that really do something... john
by Hortensia insince my first foray into anti-witnessing, admittedly not much of an effort, i have been looking for another chance but the witnesses haven't been out where i could spot them.
today, however, a couple of women were in front of the groc.
store with a table with mags laid out on it.
johnny cip
you did just fine. those jw's know you don't believe any longer. that pisses them off more than you think. you made a good point about losing weight and peddling wt mag's too long. john
Kerry Louderback Wood will be interviewed...
by AndersonsInfo inon a seattle radio station, regarding the death of the 14-year old jw boy, on monday, december 3rd at 6:05 a.m. pdt / 9:05 a.m. edt.
listen to kirby & company in seattle on 570 am or at .
for those of you who don't know, kerry's essay, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions and the tort of misrepresentation" appeared in the 2005 autumn issue of journal of church and state.
johnny cip
it's great a few x jw's called in and gave important facts about how the wt doctrine changes, at the drop of a hat. flip flop on life and death . then the host asked can the boy be free to observe his religion? the host didn't get the points being made, that the wts is basically god to the jw's even I know the bible says god is the same yesterday today and for ever he never changes. I think some apostates should try getting on some CHRISTIAN RADIO STATIONS. bet they would undderstand the topics better. john